Peru Cajamarca 5/5

11,90 44,00  sis. alv.

Description: Creamy fudge, roasted nuts, delicate fruitiness

This dark roast coffee is smooth and colorful. You’ll find hints of roasted nuts and creamy fudge along with subtle yet complex fruitiness. A cup or two a day will keep you on the middle way. Medium body.


SKU: PeruCajamarca Categories: , ,


Origin: Cajamarca, Peru
Variety: Catimor, Caturra, Typica
Altitude: 1700 – 1800m
Process: Washed

This organically grown coffee comes from a growers’ cooperative in the Cajamarca-region in Peru. The cooperative was founded on 26 November 2016, with 264 producers dedicated to coffee growing. Its main objective is to contribute to the development and well-being of all its members and their families in the Cajamarca region. The cooperative provides multiple services to its members and is environmentally friendly.





Additional information

Weight N/A

230g, 1000g


Espresso, Aeropress, Pour Over, Suodatin, Chemex, Pressopannu, Pannu, Papu